ALWAR, INDIA: Law and Order is a state subject. Gau Raksha Dal is nothing but an initiative to protect the Cow, to whom the Hindus call their mother. These vigilante Cow Protection Groups, however, sometimes go against the law, resulting into the Mob Lynching. The state government should take proper steps to ensure that there are no such mishaps in their states. Vote-Bank Vultures cannot stop any mishap. This is the bitter truth of Indian Politics. On the other hand, people cry for Yulin Festival in China, Jallikattu in South India, but go silent on this issue.
The so-called Cow protection law of RSS started back in the 60’s, when Golwalkar thought it to be helpful in uniting all the Hindus and to use this issue to further the Hindutva agenda, but it is really unfortunate or better calling it as the big irony that it has created a wedge between Upper Caste Hindus and the Dalits in India. Thus dividing the Hindu community.
Read more on Mob Lynching in India:
ECAS Politics : The Forced Environment for Mob Lynching in India
The case of mob lynching in India began due to the atmosphere of hate and suspicion against Muslims, created through the political campaign mainly involving the National Government of India. Engaging in "meat politics" and calling for cow protection had been the common tools for Hindu Nationalist Politicians.
From ancient times, it is said in Hindu Psyche that “Gaay Hamari Mata hai”. Thus veneration of Cow in India is not new. The question arises “Why a sudden increase in Cow Vigilante”? As soon as the BJP led NDA came to power with an immense support all over India and a splendid fan following for Prime Minister Narendra Modi, the opposition lost its cool. Some people suggests that it is not like Gau Rakshak Samities have emerged now only. They were there for so long, with RSS and Hindu groups supporting BJP, the opposition has got the right thing to discuss every once in the week with a support from a section of media houses. Therefore, politicizing the animal in the country named INDIA.
Respective governments should now definitely take appropriate actions against all the ill-doers irrespective of their caste, creed, sex & religion. There is only one barrier that stops any government from taking harsh action against such anti-social elements and the barrier is VOTE BANK POLITICS. Moreover, as per the Constitution of India, Law & Order is a state subject. Respective state government is responsible for any failure in managing such situations. The Hindutva politics of BJP doesn't leave the room to take any action against the Mob Lynching and the Violent Terror of Gau Raksha Vigilante Cow Protection Groups.
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