China is keen to win both friends and influence in the oil-rich Arab countries of the Middle East. China is the world second largest consumer of the crude and this week China government dramatically stepped-up its investment in the region with the pledge of more than twenty-three billion dollars in loan and millions more in the aid provided in the countries, thus making China 'The World Power' The President, Xi Jinping while talking to the representatives of 21 Arab countries, quoted:
China also wants talks on the free trade area for which I have decided to put up oil and gas including investment model to these representatives, for which I believe that this model can create jobs and help China safeguard China's future requirements.But there is also trillion dollar Belt and Road initiative, which aims to link the people in Asia, Africa and Europe via an ultra model trade route and it is the reinvention of the ancient Silk Road for the modern age. This has now been claimed to be the perfect timing for the country because of the current situation of an ongoing trade war in the world. This step alone could make China 'The World Power' in the coming 10 years, as the country is already dependent on natural resources in Africa and South America and now in the Middle East.
This is not just about one or two countries, but making a trade free deal with 20-22 countries in the Middle East or we may call it 'The Whole Arab'. This may prove the big step against the sphere of US influence and also against the preception with the Donald Trump's America First Policy. Furthermore, this could help China securing the natural resources in the coming future and also making sure that the Belt and Road is tighter, holding the grasp on the countries of the Middle East.
On the other hand, this meeting and investment might give unhappy and unsleepy nights to the President of the United States of America. In near future, if the Belt and Road Trade gets tighter, China would definitely emerge as the 'The World Power', due to the volatility of the business in Arab Countries, where the trade seems to be most difficult in comparison to the regions of Africa and South America.
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